Governor Snyder has publicly stated his administrative goals are to:
reinvent government
create more and better jobs
restore our cities
enhance our national and international image
protect our environment
solve problems through relentless, positive action
In support of the Governor’s goals, the MDEQ has partnered with stakeholders to formulate a plan for improvements in Michigan’s environmental programs. This effort is referred to as the Collaborative Stakeholders Initiative (“CSI”). CSI grows out of a series of recommendations prepared by the Office of Regulatory Reinvention and that was submitted to the Governor’s office.
Participants in CSI are taking a closer look at seven key issues facing Michigan’s cleanup and redevelopment programs. They include:
(1) Groundwater and Surfacewater Interface (GSI) pathway;
(2) Cleanup criteria;
(3) Vapor intrusion;
(4) Free product, source removal and Csat;
(5) Brownfield redevelopment;
(6) Part 201 Rules/Operational Memorandum Guidance; and
(7) Due care obligations.
As a backdrop to reviewing these issues and developing recommendations, participants also hope to derive the benefits of an opportunity for exchange and cooperation between the MDEQ, the regulated community and other public stakeholders. Each issue subgroup is in the process of refining their recommendations and developing action plans after having completed several intensive sessions both in Lansing and during a three-day working program at the Kellogg Biological Station on Gull Lake. There will be a public session to present these recommendations on March 15, 2012.
The action plans will include recommendations with respect to Part 201 and Part 213, Part 201 Rules, applicable Operational Memorandums, Guidance Documents, and other policies affecting the implementation of these programs. There will be an opportunity learn more about these recommendations and action plans during a webcast scheduled for March 15, 2012. More details on connecting to the webcast to follow.
As someone involved in the CSI process, it is my belief that the process and this initiative has the potential for being extremely beneficial, and may lead to many changes within Michigan’s cleanup and redevelopment program that will facilitate expedited cleanups and redevelopment while protecting the environment.