At Dawda Mann, we understand that real property taxes constitute a significant expense for owners. We also understand that real property taxes are a necessary source of revenue for government. All taxation, however, must be fair and within the boundaries of the law. Our clients count on us to assist whenever a property has been excessively and/or unlawfully assessed. To that end, Dawda Mann will aggressively represent you with any disputes you have with your local or state taxing authority in order to make sure that your property taxes are fairly and correctly assessed.

Tax law is an area that may change regularly. In order to keep abreast of fluctuations that may affect our clients, we closely monitor the legal developments related to tax law. We are always connected to information about the most updated tax laws published by the U.S. Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service, and leading tax law publications.

Tax Deduction Checklist

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It’s tax preparation time in America.  Are you taking advantage of certain deductions and credits that may allow you to decrease your tax bill?  Here's a few: Child and Dependent Care Credit: If you (and [...]

Michigan Cloud Tax Evaporates Somewhat, Refunds Could Follow

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The Michigan Department of Treasury is now required to change  its tune with regard to remote access to software, commonly known as “cloud access” or “cloud software” In the recently adjudicated case Auto-Owners Ins. Co. [...]

Things Change and Things Stay the Same….Taxes in 2016:

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photo credit: While we don’t know the full impact of every last word of the Congressional budget, we have already been informed of several aspects of tax law that will change in [...]

IRS Scores a Win with Form 1023-EZ

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Last summer, the Internal Revenue Service rolled out a new form, called 1023-EZ. Form 1023-EZ is a simplified, electronic application for non-profit tax exemption from federal income tax. The form was designed to be used [...]

EBITDA: I Can’t Even Say It, Let Alone Understand It

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EBITDA is a six letter acronym, bandied about during contemplation and negotiation of purchases and mergers. EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization. EBITDA is often the gold standard by which interested parties [...]

November Tax To-Do List

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November may seem like an unlikely time to think about your taxes, but it is actually a great time for a “check up” with your tax professionals, including tax attorneys and accountants for three good [...]