In its recent decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo/Relentless, Inc. V. Department of Commerce, the Supreme Court struck down the Chevron doctrine; a seismic shift in the American regulatory landscape. This landmark ruling, which curtails the power of federal agencies to interpret ambiguous laws, has far-reaching implications for employers and manufacturers across the nation. How will this change impact your business operations and compliance strategies?

At its core, the Chevron doctrine (which was established by the Court during the Reagan era) provided federal agencies with significant deference in interpreting ambiguous statutes. The Court’s decision to overturn this long-standing principle now places the onus of interpretation squarely on the judiciary. This shift presents certain benefits and concerns for businesses operating in regulated industries:


  1. Regulatory Flexibility.   Federal agencies, knowing that their rules could be easily challenged in court and wanting to avoid that, will have to be proactive.  They will be more likely to consider competing views and alternatives at the outset, rather than waiting for them to bubble up through the public comment period.
  2. More Business Input.  The comments submitted by the regulated community during the public comment period will be assessed more closely.  Agencies will have to either incorporate them or provide compelling arguments why they should not be incorporated.
  3. Fewer Rules.  Federal agencies may be less inclined to go through the rulemaking process for marginal issues.


Regulatory Uncertainty

The elimination of agency deference introduces a new era of regulatory uncertainty. Judges with little or no expertise will have to weigh in on matters ranging from drug efficacy to automobile safety and assess the competing views of agency and regulated community experts.   We think this could result in  federal rules being upheld or rejected based on the judicial temperament of a judge or judges and, possibly, inconsistent rulings.  This fragmentation of regulatory interpretation poses a significant challenge for businesses seeking to maintain uniform compliance standards across state lines.

Increased Litigation Risk

With courts now bearing the responsibility for statutory interpretation, we foresee a surge in litigation as various stakeholders challenge agency rulemaking.   This will draw out the rulemaking process and leave businesses guessing  what the outcome could be.  .

Operational Disruptions

Agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) possess specialized technical expertise crucial for interpreting complex regulations. The transition to judicial interpretation may result in less informed decisions and unworkable outcomes in the real world;  potentially leading to operational disruptions and increased compliance burdens.

Strategic Planning Challenges

As rules become law, businesses will be forced to either rely on the validity of the rule in making business decisions or wait and see the outcome of litigation. The ruling necessitates a reevaluation of strategic planning and compliance strategies. Businesses must now prepare for a more dynamic and potentially volatile regulatory environment. This uncertainty may impact long-term investments and operational decisions. Have you considered how this change might affect your company’s five-year plan or capital allocation strategies?

Financial Implications

The ripple effects of this decision extend to the financial realm. Companies may need to allocate additional resources to monitor and respond to regulatory changes and legal interpretations. This reallocation could impact overall financial planning and potentially affect shareholder value. How will your organization balance these new compliance costs against other business priorities?

In light of these challenges, proactive measures are essential. Consider the following strategies:

  • Enhance your legal and compliance teams to monitor and analyze judicial decisions across various jurisdictions.
  • Develop flexible compliance frameworks that can adapt to evolving interpretations of regulatory statutes.
  • Engage in industry trade groups to advocate for clear legislative language, reducing ambiguity in future regulations.
  • Implement robust risk management strategies to mitigate potential liabilities arising from regulatory uncertainties.
  • Conduct regular audits of your compliance programs to ensure they align with the latest judicial interpretations.

While the Court’s decision represents a victory for proponents of reduced federal agency power, it undeniably introduces new complexities. The path forward requires vigilance, adaptability, and a commitment to staying abreast of the evolving legal landscape.

As we navigate these uncharted waters, Dawda Mann stands ready to guide you through the complexities of this new regulatory environment. Our team of experienced legal professionals is committed to helping you mitigate risks, ensure compliance, and capitalize on opportunities in this transformed legal landscape.

Are you prepared to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by this landmark decision? Let us work together to safeguard your interests and position your business for success in this new era of regulatory interpretation.